First of all, I congratulate you on stepping into fresh, handmade and natural cosmetics!
Thank you for getting our help on your new journey.
You may be a little nervous to see if you can make it.
This is a very normal feeling that your brain feels when starting a new task so that it can adapt better.
Now take a deep breath and enjoy the task.
Why you should enjoy the task ?
Because I have handled all the stresfull part for you ! Choosing, finding and scaling the ingredients to reach the right product texture and effect.
I met hundereds of people who are interested in natural skincare and they attended my workshops, my trainings and my webinars. As I observed, for a new beginner the most stressfull part of the DIY cosmetics is handling (choosing, buying, scaling!) the ingredients. The most pleasent part of the DIY cosmetics is the experience of making a functional product that you can actually use it!
The process is specially designed for you to both gain a new skill and feel the satisfaction of achievement of a task.
The box in your hand is offer you both an experience and a fresh, handmade, natural cosmetic product.
Isn't it great
Let's get started, shall we ?
Step 1: Getting know the ingredients
Here is the box!
Let's open it!
What do you need to provide from home to make Face Mask?
- Clean, dry mixing bowl or beaker
- Clean, dry stirring rod
- To mix the mask powde small cup and some water or hydrosol.
Step 2 : How to Make it
You may feel a bad odor when you opened the box. First of all, there is nothing spoiled or rotten inside. The different smell you feel comes from spirulina. Spirluna smells like this due to the high amount of nourishing amino acids in its content. When you apply it to your skin, the odor disappears and leave you a refreshed and nourished skin.
1- Add nourishing Spirulina in a dry mixing bowl.
2- Next antioxidant Rosehip Seed Powder.
3- Next the other antioxidant Green Tea Powder.
4- Last Kaolin Clay as a excess oil absorber and gentle exfoliator.
5- Mix all the powders very well.
6- Mix as long as all the powders look like homegenius.
7- It's allmost done!
8- Pour the powder mixture in to the finished product container.
9- Compress the powders to fit the container.
10- Tap the bottom of the container gently on the table to stuck it more.
11- Pour the rest of the powders into the aluminium container.
12- Compress, compress, compress.
13- Tap, tap, tap
14 - Detoxifying Face Mask is ready!
Step 2 : How to Prepare the Mask Before you Apply on your Face
Avoid to prepare whole jar at one time.
It's strongly recommended to prepare the paste for every single use.
Consume the paste instantly do not keep and use if any paste left.
1- You should provide dry, clean mixing bowl, clean water (hydrosol), a coffee spoon from your home.
2- Get one coffee spoon of powder mix from the aluminium container
3- And put into the mixing bowl.
4- Add one tea spoon of clean water (or hyrosol) onto the powder mix.
5- Mix untill it becomes a smooth paste without a lump.
6- Your Face Mask is ready!
Step 3: How to Use it
Apply on your clean face (except eye area) with a clean brush. After 10-15 minutes you can rinse with warm water and follow it by using a toner and your favourite moisturiser.
You can use it once in week.
Hope you like the experience of making your own Detoxifiying Face Mask.
And hope you will love to use an Detoxifiying Face Mask as well.
If you haven't try the rest of our Ready to make DIY Kits you can check out from this link.